The view to the left, as I walk out of the little alley that my apartment is tucked away in.

And then to the right:

I love this pic...don't know why.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side!

Halla Mart, where I do most of my weekday shopping (note the escalators).

And the outdoor market that I love walking through every day, on my way to work.

This particular place, needless to say, always smells to high heaven. But it does carry such an assortment of food, and I like that. Squid, octopi, stingray, etc.

This guy was a little embarrassed when I took the picture. I like this place, too. Someone is often shouting to attract attention to their wares, and then they chop it up and weigh it out right there.

The fruit is pretty inexpensive, but I haven't bought any at the market yet. I'm impatient to learn how to bargain.

Not sure what any of this is, but I thought it looked pretty interesting.