I got a packet of letters in the mail two days ago. How happy that made me! Thank you, Dear Ones! The receipt of a letter is easily the highlight of my day. Which is not to say that my days are dry, but rather that reading a letter from home is such joy! I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and encouragement.
Titus, Ruth, and Petra are in China for a week. Titus is kindly letting me borrow his guitar until he gets back. I hadn't realized how much I would miss home-made music, and now regret that I haven't made more of an effort to become proficient. I should love to buy myself a guitar, but will have to wait until I know whether or not I will be able to stay at Herb Farm. If I have to put down money on another apartment, the guitar will have to wait.
It struck me a few days ago that I am on purpose. What a beautiful thought! It's not just random chance that I'm not a bird or a tree or a stone. God looked down from His eternal glory and loved this beautiful world that He had created. His handiwork reflected His character, and He was pleased. But then he saw one life untouched, one work undone, one missing element to the continuity of His creation. He could have stretched and patched and improvised…but instead, He deliberately made me. I hope that my life may now be such that I may someday repeat Jesus' words, "I have glorified Thee on the earth: I have finished the work which Thou hast given me to do."
Counting on your Prayers,