Dear Family,
The weather has definitely become cold. Even still I can't persuade myself to layer. And so I walk down the street with a light sweater and benumbed limbs. Part of the problem is that Koreans keep the indoors dizzyingly warm. The one day that I did wear a long-sleeved shirt to work, I thought I should die of heat exhaustion. During the ten minute break between classes I went into the unheated section of the building to partake of some good, old fashioned coldness. So, I opt for fifteen minutes of coldness during my morning walk to work, over several working hours of intense heat. In all rationality, though, it probably wouldn't kill me to wear a coat out of doors.
Today is 'Peppero Day'. Peppero is a thin, long bread stick, about the size of a small straw, either filled with or dipped in chocolate. And 11/11, because the ones in this date look like Peppero sticks, is the day on which one exchanges Peppero with his friends. Yesterday Paul, one of my students, gave Teresa and I each a package of Peppero with hearts and "Sweet Love" liberally scattered over the pink wrapping in which it came. Very cute.
So happy Peppero Day,