The weather has changed. Korea boasts of its four distinct seasons. I used to smile at this; such distinction is not so uncommon elsewhere, that it should necessarily be considered one of the more unique things Korea has to offer. But now I understand better. 'Four distinct seasons' had more appropriately been called 'four abrupt seasons'. Summer hasn't 'turned' into autumn, nor will winter 'melt' into spring. I went to sleep on the 8th to the sound of my air conditioning unit furiously warding off the muggy heat. It was categorically summer. I awoke on the 9 th to the sound of my teeth shivering in the early morning chill, as I groped for a pair of socks. It has been categorically autumn ever since.
With the cooler weather has come decidedly less fitful sleep. Though Tylenol induced, my sleep on the first cool night felt more natural and relaxing than any theretofore. So much so, that I attempted a natural sleep the next night with such success as has persuaded me to do without the aid of Tylenol since. Thank you again and again for your prayers.
Much love...